by | Apr 14, 2023



by | Apr 14, 2023

There are many ways to think about choosing a career. Here are some of our top tips for you.

1: IT’S OK
It’s normal to feel confused or disoriented. You’re already moving – and you’ve got this far and read this!
You’re in charge of your own destiny, so you need to make the choices that are right for you.
Be proactive – take responsibility for your own actions. Make things happen, don’t wait for them to happen to you.
Thinking this much is hard work and you’ll probably get tired. Change is not easy. It’s important to look after yourself with good sleep, good food, water and rest.
Listen to yourself and your inner voice. Be kind and gentle to yourself.

Exploring differences and learning from other people will help you gain insight.
You can inspire yourself through others, your surroundings and your interests. Talking to different people will broaden your mind. Be open-minded to other people’s perspectives and opinions. You don’t have to agree with them. You’re your own person.
Go everywhere and anywhere on your own safari. Inspiration could be hiding in places you’ve never been!
Research and go for it! There’s a whole world at your fingertips (virtual world included).
Immerse yourself in different media and try something new: explore a new magazine, paper, or try a book. The BBC is good for documentaries and Guardian is good for news. Be careful about what’s on YouTube or other less regulated sources.

Your dreams are really important. You should listen to your heart.
Your values tell you who you are. They give insight into how you’ll make decisions towards your dreams. By knowing our values, we may present them to others and show the best of ourselves.
Bring your natural passions to the surface. Learn and grow as you go, but take care to be kind and gentle with yourself.
Some people may try to influence you, positively or negatively. You need to be aware of this and hold on to your dreams and values. Never sell out who you are. Appreciate this might take effort.

Build blocks to your goal by starting with your qualifications, skills and superpowers. Blocks are useful to enhance your skills, experience and knowledge, even if they don’t directly apply to your goal.
There’s no one way to build your blocks. Do your own research about the area you’re interested in and work towards it. This could be a school, university, apprenticeship or job.
Explore differences in people and cultures as a way to grow and learn. Be open to new experiences to enhance your personal discovery.
Always think beyond the block ahead. One job will lead to another if you keep positive and focus.
Have a go! Don’t be afraid of rejection; it’s an essential part of learning and moving forward. Reach out for guidance and help whenever you can. Remember that most people have been in your place when they started out.

Remember – something is better than nothing and you’ll be moving forward.
These are some tips to ask yourself: How are you and what do you need? Listen to yourself; when and where are you at your best?
Break down tasks into the smallest tasks possible. This will help you a lot. It pays however, to be efficient with your time.
Be effective by scheduling tasks to match your energy levels, where you can.
Do the thing you’re fearing the most first thing in the morning, before anything else. The rest of the day is easy! Some of you might get more done late at night when it’s quiet.
Be honest with yourself. Are you avoiding anything? Why? Remember people, places and things can help you.
Take opportunities when you see them. Try making your own opportunities. Why not?

Doing your best is really important in helping to get to your dream.
Be determined. Work hard. And work smart. Be curious and stay curious. Ask why? Make sure you understand. Don’t fake it – people can tell if you’re being false.
Stay healthy and well. Change takes energy so we need to look after ourselves and be kind to our body, mind and soul.
Find mentors. Ask someone you respect or who can give you good advice. Be brave: what’s the worst that can happen?
Help yourself to keep going! Try to explore every week or two so you can see your progress. Try to find a quiet time each day to reflect.

Remember it’s OK, the fact you’re reading this means you’re growing.


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